
data class FormXBarcodeRegion(val image: Bitmap, val topLeft: FormXPointF, val topRight: FormXPointF, val bottomRight: FormXPointF, val bottomLeft: FormXPointF, val boundingBox: FormXRectF, val data: String, val type: FormXBarcodeType)

Represents a region containing a barcode in an image.


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fun FormXBarcodeRegion(image: Bitmap, topLeft: FormXPointF, topRight: FormXPointF, bottomRight: FormXPointF, bottomLeft: FormXPointF, boundingBox: FormXRectF, data: String, type: FormXBarcodeType)


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Converts the barcode region to a FormXDocumentRegion.


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The bottom-left corner of the barcode region.

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The bottom-right corner of the barcode region.

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The bounding box of the barcode region.

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The payload data contained in the barcode.

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The cropped image of the barcode region.

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The top-left corner of the barcode region.

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The top-right corner of the barcode region.

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The type of the detected barcode.