Access Control

Users & Credentials

In pageship, users are mostly just ID for internal reference. For purpose of access control, each user/request is associated with a set of credentials, and credentials are matched with ACL for permission check.

Pageship currently recognizes following credentials:

GitHub user

The user/request is associated with a specific GitHub user.

Users can be authenticated as GitHub user through SSH login with pageship login command:

$ pageship login
GitHub user name: *****
SSH key file: *****
Logged in as *****.

Github repository actions

The user/request is originated from GitHub Actions running in a specific GitHub repository.

pageship command would authenticate as GitHub repository actions automatically when it detected running in GitHub Actions environment.

IP address

The user/request is originated from a specific IP address. All users/requests are automatically associated with an IP address credential.

Site Access

Site access can be specified through ACL in the access field:

access = [
    { ipRange="" }

App Management Access

App management access can be specified through ACL in the team field:

team = [
    { githubUser="...", access="admin" },
    { gitHubRepositoryActions="oursky/pageship", access="deployer" }

There are three levels of access for management:

  • reader: read-only access to app metadata (e.g. list of deployments/sites)
  • deployer: access neccessary for deploying sites
  • admin: full access to the app

In addition, the creator user of an app is considered as the owner of the app, and always has full access to the app.

API Access Control

The server API may be protected from unwanted access by specifying an ACL file in PAGESHIP_API_ACL environment variable.

