Configuration file


pageship.toml is the main configuration file used by Pageship. All paths referenced in pageship.toml is resolved relative to its location.

app section

The app section defines the app config when hosted in managed-sites mode server.

  • Unique ID of the app in the server.
  • ACL rules controlling API access of app management.
    •[].access: Access level of the actor matching the rule (highest level applies):
      • reader: read-only access to app metadata (e.g. list of deployments/sites)
      • deployer: access neccessary for deploying sites
      • admin: full access to the app
  • app.defaultSite: The name of main site (default to main).
  • app.sites: The available sites in the app, the main site can be accessed through the app domain, while other sites is accessed through a subdomain. - app.sites[].name: the site name, cannot be used with pattern. - app.sites[].pattern: the site name pattern, cannot be used with name. subdomain.
  • app.deployments: Configuration for preview deployments
    • access: ACL rules controlling access of preview deployments.
    • ttl: the lifetime of a preview deployment (default to 24h)
  • Configuration for custom domains
    • domain: The custom domain to use
    • site: The site name associated the custom domain

site section

The site section defines the site config.

  • site.public: The path to site directory
  • site.access: ACL rules controlling access of site


sites.toml is used for unmanaged-sites mode. It defines the location and resolution of multiple apps.

  • sites.<name>: The list of sites to serve
    • sites.<name>.context: directory of the site.