Setup Server

Pageship supports three modes of deployment:

Single-site mode

Single-site mode is the simplest deployment mode. It hosts a single static site in a server, and pages can be updated by directly copying the files to the data directory.

If you'd like to use the pageship command for deployment, or uses advanced features like preview deployment, please use managed-sites mode.

See the setup guide for single site mode

Unmanaged-sites mode

Unmanaged-sites mode hosts multiple static site on different sub-domains in a server. Static sites can be created by creating a site directory in the data directory, and pages can be updated by copying the files to the site directory.

If you'd like to use the pageship command for deployment, or uses advanced features like preview deployment, please use managed-sites mode.

See the setup guide for unmanaged sites mode

Managed-sites mode

Managed-sites mode provides advanced features like preview deployment, GitHub Actions integration, but is more complex to setup.

You can use pageship command to deploy to server and manage sites using this mode.

See the setup guide for managed sites mode